Liturgical Year
At St. Benedict’s we celebrate the seasons of the liturgical year. We explore aspects of it during RE lessons and we celebrate many of the events through collective worship.
During Advent and Lent, we prepare our hearts for the season through penitential services led by our Parish priest, Father Pawel.
In October and May, we remember Mary and pray the Rosary together and in July we celebrate the Feast of St. Benedict.
How we celebrate the Liturgical Year
Start of Year Mass- Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
Harvest Thanksgiving- We have a Harvest Mass. Harvest gifts are collected and
donated to Medway Community Food Bank.
Month of the Rosary - October is the month of the Rosary. We pray the Rosary
together in the prayer garden.
All Saints - Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
St Andrew’s - St Andrew’s House lead our celebration service for the feast day.
Advent - The prayer table is changed to purple and each class make their own Advent Wreath to use during the season.
Advent Penitential - In Key Stage One and Year Three the children take part in a sorry service. The rest of Key Stage Two take part in a penitential service with Father Pawel.
Christmas Nativity and Carol Service - KS1 celebrate the Nativity through drama and song, whilst KS2 pupils lead a Carol Service with Gospel readings at our parish church, St. Simon Stock.
Epiphany- Mass is held in school.
Candlemas- Mass is celebrated in school.
Ash Wednesday -Marking the start of Lent, Mass is celebrated in the hall.
The prayer table is changed to purple.
Lent Penitential- Key Stage One take part in a sorry service. Key Stage Two, including. Year Three, have a collective Penitential service with individual penitential meetings held with Father Pawel.
St David's and St Patrick's - St David’s and St. Patrick’s House lead our celebration service for the feast day.
Palm Sunday - Service led by Key Stage One through hymns and readings.
Washing of Feet - Meditation and re-enactment of the washing of hands by candlelight.
Breaking of Bread - Meditation and re-enactment of the Last Supper by candlelight.
Passion Play- Led by Year Three and Four through drama and music.
St George- Assembly led by St George's house.
Ascension- Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
Pentecost- Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
Corpus Christi- Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
Feast of St Benedict- Celebrations held in school to remember our patron saint.
St Peter and St Paul- Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
Leavers Mass of Thanksgiving- Year Six organise and lead the final mass of the
academic year.
Liturgical Year
At St. Benedict’s we celebrate the seasons of the liturgical year. We explore aspects of it during RE lessons and we celebrate many of the events through collective worship.
During Advent and Lent, we prepare our hearts for the season through penitential services led by our Parish priest, Father Pawel.
In October and May, we remember Mary and pray the Rosary together and in July we celebrate the Feast of St. Benedict.
How we celebrate the Liturgical Year
Start of Year Mass- Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
Harvest Thanksgiving- We have a Harvest Mass. Harvest gifts are collected and
donated to Medway Community Food Bank.
Month of the Rosary - October is the month of the Rosary. We pray the Rosary
together in the prayer garden.
All Saints - Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
St Andrew’s - St Andrew’s House lead our celebration service for the feast day.
Advent - The prayer table is changed to purple and each class make their own Advent Wreath to use during the season.
Advent Penitential - In Key Stage One and Year Three the children take part in a sorry service. The rest of Key Stage Two take part in a penitential service with Father Pawel.
Christmas Nativity and Carol Service - KS1 celebrate the Nativity through drama and song, whilst KS2 pupils lead a Carol Service with Gospel readings at our parish church, St. Simon Stock.
Epiphany- Mass is held in school.
Candlemas- Mass is celebrated in school.
Ash Wednesday -Marking the start of Lent, Mass is celebrated in the hall.
The prayer table is changed to purple.
Lent Penitential- Key Stage One take part in a sorry service. Key Stage Two, including. Year Three, have a collective Penitential service with individual penitential meetings held with Father Pawel.
St David's and St Patrick's - St David’s and St. Patrick’s House lead our celebration service for the feast day.
Palm Sunday - Service led by Key Stage One through hymns and readings.
Washing of Feet - Meditation and re-enactment of the washing of hands by candlelight.
Breaking of Bread - Meditation and re-enactment of the Last Supper by candlelight.
Passion Play- Led by Year Three and Four through drama and music.
St George- Assembly led by St George's house.
Ascension- Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
Pentecost- Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
Corpus Christi- Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
Feast of St Benedict- Celebrations held in school to remember our patron saint.
St Peter and St Paul- Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
Leavers Mass of Thanksgiving- Year Six organise and lead the final mass of the
academic year.
Liturgical Year
At St. Benedict’s we celebrate the seasons of the liturgical year. We explore aspects of it during RE lessons and we celebrate many of the events through collective worship.
During Advent and Lent, we prepare our hearts for the season through penitential services led by our Parish priest, Father Pawel.
In October and May, we remember Mary and pray the Rosary together and in July we celebrate the Feast of St. Benedict.
How we celebrate the Liturgical Year
Start of Year Mass- Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
Harvest Thanksgiving- We have a Harvest Mass. Harvest gifts are collected and
donated to Medway Community Food Bank.
Month of the Rosary - October is the month of the Rosary. We pray the Rosary
together in the prayer garden.
All Saints - Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
St Andrew’s - St Andrew’s House lead our celebration service for the feast day.
Advent - The prayer table is changed to purple and each class make their own Advent Wreath to use during the season.
Advent Penitential - In Key Stage One and Year Three the children take part in a sorry service. The rest of Key Stage Two take part in a penitential service with Father Pawel.
Christmas Nativity and Carol Service - KS1 celebrate the Nativity through drama and song, whilst KS2 pupils lead a Carol Service with Gospel readings at our parish church, St. Simon Stock.
Epiphany- Mass is held in school.
Candlemas- Mass is celebrated in school.
Ash Wednesday -Marking the start of Lent, Mass is celebrated in the hall.
The prayer table is changed to purple.
Lent Penitential- Key Stage One take part in a sorry service. Key Stage Two, including. Year Three, have a collective Penitential service with individual penitential meetings held with Father Pawel.
St David's and St Patrick's - St David’s and St. Patrick’s House lead our celebration service for the feast day.
Palm Sunday - Service led by Key Stage One through hymns and readings.
Washing of Feet - Meditation and re-enactment of the washing of hands by candlelight.
Breaking of Bread - Meditation and re-enactment of the Last Supper by candlelight.
Passion Play- Led by Year Three and Four through drama and music.
St George- Assembly led by St George's house.
Ascension- Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
Pentecost- Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
Corpus Christi- Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
Feast of St Benedict- Celebrations held in school to remember our patron saint.
St Peter and St Paul- Mass led by pupils and Father Pawel.
Leavers Mass of Thanksgiving- Year Six organise and lead the final mass of the
academic year.