The car park gate is open by 8am for Breakfast Club.
The pedestrian gate at the front of the school opens at 8.35am to allow families to join Family Morning Prayer on the playground next to the EYFS outside area.
The bell rings at 8:40am to signal the rest of the school can enter through the pedestrian gate. Families walk their child across the playground and children enter their classrooms through the classroom external doors.
Children should be in school by 8.50am when registration takes place.
Outside doors and gates are closed at 8:50am.
The front pedestrian gate opens at 3:15pm
The school day ends at 3:20pm
Timing of the School Day
8:35am Family Morning Prayer
8:40am Gates open
8:50am R Registration: children are expected in school by this time.
10:15am Morning Break for Infants (15 minutes)
10.40am Morning Break for Juniors (15 minutes)
12 – 1pm Lunchtime
2pm Afternoon Break for Infants
3:20pm End of school day
This amounts to 32.5 hours per week.
8am Breakfast Club opens
3:20pm – 4:20pm After school clubs run