‘KCSP Curriculum Intent Statement’

Curriculum Intent at St. Benedict’s

"I have come so that they may have life and live it to the full"

John 10: Chapter 10 V 10


Our Vision

At St. Benedict’s Catholic Primary School, our vision is to enable confident, independent and
resilient learners inspired by Gospel values to become Christ-like citizens.

Our Curriculum Intent

Our aspirational and broad curriculum supports children to be confident in their abilities,
determined in the face of challenge whilst also nurturing their spiritual growth to form strong
moral values with a love of learning. We ensure accessible and challenging child-centred
learning with opportunities to become successful life-long learners.

Curriculum Drivers

  1. Our School Values
    Our school values ensure our children develop a strong moral character rooted in the
    Catholic faith to become Christ-like citizens.
  2. Aspirational Life Long Learners
    In preparing our pupils for life long learning we foster the on-going and self-
    motivated desire to learn and grow from within.
  3. Enrichment
    Empower our children to be socially mobile with wider horizons created by exposure
    to culture, the arts and sporting opportunities.
  4. Emotional and Mental Well-Being
    Equip our children to recognise, understand and manage their emotions to allow them
    to achieve and maintain good mental health.
    Our Curriculum Implementation
    Our curriculum drivers ensure a curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced to equip
    pupils with cumulative knowledge and skills for future learning. Learning is re-visited and
    developed year-on-year, to ensure a real depth of learning across the school. Subject leaders
    have the necessary expertise to play a pivotal role in both the design and delivery of their
    subject area; ensuring a clear progression of both skills and knowledge across all year groups,
    underpinned by a robust assessment system.
    Curriculum Impact
    The curriculum is well constructed and well taught. The curriculum design ensures that the
    needs of all pupils are met and children achieve strong outcomes. This has been sustained
    over a number of years and pupils are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their

Our pupils are able to form meaningful relationships based upon mutual respect and trust,
recognising and celebrating difference, not only within the school community, but in the
wider world as well. They have a real sense of responsibility as future citizens and grow up
being able to make a positive contribution to the world in which they live.
