Every year schools and academies are required to review their admission arrangements. The aim is to ensure that the arrangements continue to be appropriate, and that they comply with all the relevant requirements, particularly the national code of guidance and the policy of the Archdiocese. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is consulting on proposed changes to the admissions policy for this school to take effect for school admissions for September 2025. The proposed changes will affect new applications for entry into any of our schools from 1 September 2025 onwards. In this case the consultation period will run from 14 December 2023 to 31 January 2024. You can find further information about the proposed changes at the following link or by asking for a copy of the information at the school office.
Please click HERE to read the Consultation of admission arrangements for September 2025 letter sent to Parents.
Thank you for taking the time to consider St. Benedict's Catholic Primary School for your child. Choosing the right primary school is such a major decision for any family and we appreciate that you will need to take your time to look around. So feel free to learn as much as you can about our school before making your decision.
Parents will need to apply using the Medway Admissions Form on Medway Council's Website. Applications are made through the Local Authority and not directly to us. However we will need you to complete the supplementary form which is also on this page and return it to the school.
Mrs McAlpine, the Head Teacher will be happy to give you a tour of the school. Please contact the school office to book an appointment. Family morning prayer on the playground begins at 8.35 am. Children can arrive from 8.40am and the register is taken at 8.55am. The school day ends at 3.20pm.
The school participates in the local authority’s Fair Access Protocol to allocate places to vulnerable and other children in accordance with the School Admission Code 2014. Admitting pupils under the protocol may require the school to admit above the planned admission number for the relevant year group.
Admissions for September 2025/2026
Please ensure that you have read the school’s Privacy Notice, which can be found on the school’s website - Key Information - Policies.
Please return this Supplementary Information Form to the Admissions Officer at the school (not Local Authority). For Year R entry in September 2025 please return this form to the school no later than 15 January 2025 in order that we may rank your application.
Please note failure to submit a completed Supplementary Information form when applying for a Catholic school place may result in your application not being placed in the correct category and could result in you not receiving an offer of a place.
In Year or Casual Applications
Applications made too late for the local authority co-ordinated system, In-year applications for year R and applications for entry to years 1-6 must be made on the IYCAF (In -Year and Casual application Form) available on school websites. The same policy and procedure (apart from the timetable) applies to these applications. This form must be sent to the school’s Admissions Officer with this supplementary information form.
Please note that if you are not offered a place and submit an appeal, a copy of this form will be submitted to the Appeal Panel.
For parents and carers who wish for their child to join our school in another year group other than Reception class/Early years, this is called an "in year/casual admission".
An application must be made to the school by submitting Medway's Local Authority " in year/casual admission form" to the school alongside our Supplementary Information Form. (SIF)
Parents/carers will be notified of the application outcome with 15 days of receipt of the application forms.
Parents/carers who have been refused a place at the school for their child have the right to appeal.
The appeals form needs to be completed and sent back into the school.
The Timetable for appeals:
Here are the deadlines for hearing different types of appeals:
Type of appeal |
Deadline for hearing appeal |
Applications made in the normal admissions round |
Within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals |
Late applications |
Within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged |
Applications for in-year admissions |
Within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged |
Every year schools and academies are required to review their admission arrangements. The aim is to ensure that the arrangements continue to be appropriate, and that they comply with all the relevant requirements, particularly the national code of guidance and the policy of the Archdiocese. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is consulting on proposed changes to the admissions policy for this school to take effect for school admissions for September 2025. The proposed changes will affect new applications for entry into any of our schools from 1 September 2025 onwards. In this case the consultation period will run from 14 December 2023 to 31 January 2024. You can find further information about the proposed changes at the following link or by asking for a copy of the information at the school office.
Please click HERE to read the Consultation of admission arrangements for September 2025 letter sent to Parents.
Thank you for taking the time to consider St. Benedict's Catholic Primary School for your child. Choosing the right primary school is such a major decision for any family and we appreciate that you will need to take your time to look around. So feel free to learn as much as you can about our school before making your decision.
Parents will need to apply using the Medway Admissions Form on Medway Council's Website. Applications are made through the Local Authority and not directly to us. However we will need you to complete the supplementary form which is also on this page and return it to the school.
Mrs McAlpine, the Head Teacher will be happy to give you a tour of the school. Please contact the school office to book an appointment. Family morning prayer on the playground begins at 8.35 am. Children can arrive from 8.40am and the register is taken at 8.55am. The school day ends at 3.20pm.
The school participates in the local authority’s Fair Access Protocol to allocate places to vulnerable and other children in accordance with the School Admission Code 2014. Admitting pupils under the protocol may require the school to admit above the planned admission number for the relevant year group.
Admissions for September 2025/2026
Please ensure that you have read the school’s Privacy Notice, which can be found on the school’s website - Key Information - Policies.
Please return this Supplementary Information Form to the Admissions Officer at the school (not Local Authority). For Year R entry in September 2025 please return this form to the school no later than 15 January 2025 in order that we may rank your application.
Please note failure to submit a completed Supplementary Information form when applying for a Catholic school place may result in your application not being placed in the correct category and could result in you not receiving an offer of a place.
In Year or Casual Applications
Applications made too late for the local authority co-ordinated system, In-year applications for year R and applications for entry to years 1-6 must be made on the IYCAF (In -Year and Casual application Form) available on school websites. The same policy and procedure (apart from the timetable) applies to these applications. This form must be sent to the school’s Admissions Officer with this supplementary information form.
Please note that if you are not offered a place and submit an appeal, a copy of this form will be submitted to the Appeal Panel.
For parents and carers who wish for their child to join our school in another year group other than Reception class/Early years, this is called an "in year/casual admission".
An application must be made to the school by submitting Medway's Local Authority " in year/casual admission form" to the school alongside our Supplementary Information Form. (SIF)
Parents/carers will be notified of the application outcome with 15 days of receipt of the application forms.
Parents/carers who have been refused a place at the school for their child have the right to appeal.
The appeals form needs to be completed and sent back into the school.
The Timetable for appeals:
Here are the deadlines for hearing different types of appeals:
Type of appeal |
Deadline for hearing appeal |
Applications made in the normal admissions round |
Within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals |
Late applications |
Within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged |
Applications for in-year admissions |
Within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged |