Lunchtime is one hour between 12pm and 1pm.
All children wishing to have a school dinner eat in the hall with the children who have packed lunch from the first two classes. Other children having packed lunch will eat in the classrooms supervised by the midday assistants.
We consider the school lunch to be an essential part of social training, and we try to ensure it is as friendly and personal as community dining can permit. For those having school dinners, meals, are of a high standard and menus are varied. It is possible that your child may not have had certain food items before and in this respect children are asked to request a small portion if they are unsure of the food offered. All that is asked is that the child tries a little of the portion concerned.
A weekly ParentMail form is sent out to all parents every Friday with the following week's menu options. Parents are to complete the form by 8am on Monday. Anyone who hasn't completed the form by 8am on Monday, will need to supply their child with a packed lunch for the week.
Dinner money is paid weekly, half termly or termly online via ParentMail. Please note that payments must be made in advance. When a balance falls below ÂŁ2.25 a notification will be sent via email to advise a credit 'top up' is due.
If you think your child may be entitled to free school meals, please contact the school office.
School dinners are free for all infant children (Year R to Year 2) but will cost ÂŁ2.25 per day ( ÂŁ11.25 per week) for all junior classes.